Wednesday, November 12, 2014

O. Mandelstam


Perhaps, you do not need me,
Night; from the world’s deep swells,
The frenzied sea had heaved me
To you, a pearl-less shell.

Indifferently, without regard,
You froth the seas and sing,
But you will learn, with all your heart,
To love this needless thing.

Together, on the sand, you’ll lie,
Your chasuble around it,
Forever, with it, you will tie
The surge’s bell resounding,

And like unoccupied heart’s home,
You’ll fill the fragile shell,
With wind, with whispers of the foam,
And fog, and rain as well…



Быть может, я тебе не нужен,
Ночь; из пучины мировой,
Как раковина без жемчужин,
Я выброшен на берег твой.

Ты равнодушно волны пенишь
И несговорчиво поешь,
Но ты полюбишь, ты оценишь
Ненужной раковины ложь.

Ты на песок с ней рядом ляжешь,
Оденешь ризою своей,
Ты неразрывно с нею свяжешь
Огромный колокол зыбей,

И хрупкой раковины стены,
Как нежилого сердца дом,
Наполнишь шепотами пены,
Туманом, ветром и дождем...


Visit Russian Poetry in English for more of my translations


  1. Most translations of Mandelstam don't reflect the music of his verse. I like your translation. and this is a lovely poem.

    1. This is my issue with most translations of Russian poetry, that usually most of the music is lost. I'd like to show that it's possible to preserve it and the meaning of the original poems in translations. Thanks again for the feedback!
