Sunday, January 12, 2014

Anna Akhmatova from "Rosary" #1


The burning light was stifling,
His glances – like the rays.
I only shuddered slightly:
This one can tame my ways.
He’ll lean in, speaking, brazen…
I’m pale, out of fright.
Let love become the gravestone
That lies upon my life.


Было душно от жгучего света,
А взгляды его - как лучи.
Я только вздрогнула: этот
Может меня приручить.
Наклонился - он что-то скажет…
От лица отхлынула кровь.
Пусть камнем надгробным ляжет
На жизни моей любовь.


Visit Russian Poetry in English for more of my translations


  1. Андрей, я вас нечаянно нашла в интернете с вашим переводом Маяковского "Облако в штанах". Замечательный перевод! Очень рада, что могу с гордостью поделиться Маяковским с моими англо-говорящими друзьями. Спасибо! Стала читать и другие переводы, выполненные вами. Вы мастерски передаёте атмосферу стихов, рифмы и лексикон серебряного века! Надеюсь, что вы будете продолжать переводить! :)

  2. Hi Alena,

    I hope you don't mind that I'm replying in English, but it's much easier for me to type in English. I'm glad you enjoyed my translations of Mayakovsky. I'm always amazed at how many people find my work useful. When I first started translating, it was for my own enjoyment. I didn't think that one day I would have an audience.

    I'm not sure where exactly you saw my translations, so forgive me if I'm being repetitive, but here are a few links to my pages:

    This is an older website, that I hardly update anymore, but there are a lot of poets that I've translated:

    This one is my newer page, dedicated to Akhmatova:

    This is my page on

    If you're not familiar with goodreads, it's a great website for cataloging books and sharing with others what you're reading. I encourage you to check it out.

    Lastly, if you can find the time, I would very much appreciate it if you could leave me a review on my amazon page. As someone who is self-publishing I don't get much exposure, so the more reviews the more likely that potential readers will find my work. Here is a list of all of my books on amazon:

    It's very nice to meet you and I'm happy that you enjoyed my work,

    All the best,

